Thursday, July 26, 2012

Walker To Speak At Harvard Government Conference On Education, But...

But would the Harvard Medical School have invited Col. Sanders to speak about nutrition?

I'm sure Walker will brag that he cut more money per-pupil from state public school budgets than any other state - - separate from almost $450 million excised from higher ed budgets - - but in case he forgets, here's the chart.


  1. Are we sure he's now being punked?

  2. Nice try James, but spending really has no direct correlation with educational outcomes.

    Just look at MPS and see how much they spend. More money is not the answer to that failed system and until people realize that, MPS is destined to be a failed system.

  3. I'd say a mic check is in order.

  4. Is this graph a representation of revenue cut, or deficit spending.
