Saturday, January 7, 2012

Walkerites Grumbling Over Price Of Democracy, But...

Did they wail about the cost of recalls when then-Milwaukee County Executive Tom Ament and deserving County Board Supervisors were recalled from their offices, paving the way for Walker's ascension to both Milwaukee County Executive and Governor?


  1. If Walker is worried about the cost of the recall he could solve it by resigning.

  2. rmmcrea- Or at least they could stop obstructing and putting in mandates like Mac Davis' absurd ruling, voter ID.

    And where was their great concern when they were wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars by running fake Democrats last Summer. Do they think we're the "Memento" guy and don't remember the past?

  3. $9 mill is a downright bargain compared to the $70 mill they claimed the capitol 'clean-up' would cost. They should be thanking the Dems for saving the state $61 million!

  4. The price of the recalls is the very high price to be paid for the lack of integrity of our governor and his party. And the recalls are worth every damn penny!
