Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Metro Milwaukee Jobless Crash For African-Americans On Walker's Watch

As reporting shows record joblessness for African-Americans in Metro Milwaukee, can we hear from Scott Walker, current Governor and Milwaukee County Executive from 2002-2010 about that?  Can he explain what job development his now-criminally charged economic development point man Tim Russell helped arrange, especially in Park East land Walker sat on for years because he was too stubborn to turn it over to the city's Department of Development for packaging?

I remember a moment during one of the televised debates during the 2010 gubernatorial campaign between Walker and Tom Barrett where Barrett, Milwaukee's Mayor, asked Walker to cite a single job Walker had created in Milwaukee's central city.

Walker had nothing to say, which the data reflects.


  1. Not to mention Walker's assiduous work in hampering access by Milwaukee residents to jobs in the suburbs.

  2. Government does create jobs, it only impedes job creation.

    Of course, whenever someone attempts to make the job creation climate better, they are chastised as "Serving corporate America, the 1%'rs, millionaires and billionaires, etc..."

    Continue to have your cake and eat it too!

  3. My office is directly south of the Park East land.

    I had no idea that Walker was the roadblock for development of those parcels.

    And RD, the stimulus saved my job, so you can just STFU. and before your knee jerks, it is private employment.

    Government does (not) create jobs, it only impedes job creation.

    I presume you left out the word I added there. In any case, Tell it to military contractors.

    What I find hilarious is that most of the people saying this remarkably stupid assertion seem to be ardently pursuing government jobs.

  4. *edit* and a big one... Yes..Government "does NOT" create jobs.

    The stimulus saved your job? That is not something I would go around bragging about. Most productive businesses sell products that consumers/businesses want and need, not those services that need to be propped up by government.

    And as for your "stfu" directed at me... your side never ceases to amaze me with your ability to use vulgarities. Please believe me when I tell you that it REALLY makes you sound more intelligent when you write or speak that way.

    Stay classy.

  5. And as for your "stfu" directed at me... your side never ceases to amaze me with your ability to use vulgarities. Please believe me when I tell you that it REALLY makes you sound more intelligent when you write or speak that way.

    LOL. Don't clutch those pearls so tightly. The ability of bad words to freak conservatives out is endlessly entertaining. And yet Dick Cheney has no problem dropping an f-bomb on the Senate floor. Speaking of classy. Again, I LOL.

    The stimulus saved your job? That is not something I would go around bragging about. Most productive businesses sell products that consumers/businesses want and need, not those services that need to be propped up by government.

    You have no knowledge about my business or the services I provide or how the stimulus saved my job.

    But the real point is that the claim is that the stimulus did not create or save jobs. This is untrue, and my own situation is a direct example.

  6. As for the vulgarities, I apparently prefer to hold myself to a higher standard than you.

    If we all act like you and subvert to a lower common denominator simply because other people do, where does that put us?

    You can continue to use your potty mouth and continue your whining as that is the childish behavior I have come to expect from many on your side.

    Perhaps more importantly, we as citizens can now all stand tall and be proud in knowing that the trillion plus stimulus pushed by the democrats saved at least one job in Milwaukee.

  7. As for the vulgarities, I apparently prefer to hold myself to a higher standard than you.

    A well used 'fuck' can make a point better than all the high-standards obfuscation you might muster.

    It is childish to pretend the words used make the actual facts less or more true.

    And regarding the impact of ARRA: more like 2 million jobs.

    Which is roughly 2 million more jobs than Scott Walker has created.

    Oops, I mean 2 million and one, counting mine.

    [Regarding the cursing, I am admittedly foul mouthed (and come by it honestly), and enjoy taunting pecksniffian turdwaffles with it, as I feel that well-turned curses can be an art form; one could ask William Shakespeare who delighted in what was known as vulgar language in his time. However, if our host has an issue with it, I can rely on links and facts and reality to clean your clock. It's just funnier if you are also whining about Bad Words.]

  8. I'm not whining about the words. I'm just letting you know they make you look childish.

    Any person who is seasoned in debate will attest that name calling and vulgar language do absolutely nothing to enhance your position. In fact, it makes you look rather unintelligent.

    As for your stimulus, perhaps you should look for another line of work. Maybe find one that is self-sustaining and doesn't require a bailout to be successful.

    Then again, there seems to be a lot of people these days who think it is the governments responsibility to provide them a steady income and job security. Why be different?

  9. Oh, and if you honestly believe a link to the SEIU union website is a credible link, well then I guess don't even have a response to something that absurd.

    Perhaps next time you can come up with a better source... Maybe WEAC, AFSCME, a quote from Graeme Zielinski or maybe even a link to the democratic party's home page? But then again, those links probably weren't in this month's union newsletter for you.

  10. Then again, there seems to be a lot of people these days who think it is the governments responsibility to provide them a steady income and job security.

    People think it's the governments responsibility to make a better society. One that doesn't kick people to the curb because the factory closed. One that doesn't condemn a person because s/he was injured on the job. One that doesn't let ravenous capitalism destroy lives in a perpetual aggressive reduction of the bottom line.

    Or you can vote for Zombie Reagan and watch the underclass become the dominant class in America again.

  11. Fish,

    Nice job trying to re-write history.

    The American economy was booming, people were working and manufacturing was strong during the Reagan years.

    Do you remember the term Reagan-Democrats? Perhaps you are too young to remember all of the blue collar workers who sided with him in 80 & 84. Reagan was truly a Great President and one of the best this country has ever had. I'll stack his record against Obama's any day.

    Fortunately for our country, when Obama is defeated in November, it will again be morning in America.

    God Bless you and our country.

  12. Oh, and if you honestly believe a link to the SEIU union website is a credible link, well then I guess don't even have a response to something that absurd.

    LOL, you discount the link because you disagree with the SEIU, so you imagine they are lying? But not every entity is as mendacious as Heritage or Scott walker, and if you look through the whole article you can see that the entire thing is sourced with hard data.

    Or I suppose you think the sources are unbelievable because they say something that you KNOW, deep down in your non-cursing heart JUST CAN'T BE SO!

    I may be childish, with my childish cursing and my childish job, but you are simply irrational and ludicrous.

    And fish made no mention of history, so your attack that he is re-writing it is just...amusing.

    There. No fucking cursing. Better?


    I missed this the first time. But if you want to play absurdities, at least learn the definitions of words before you use them. No wonder you feel uncomfortable when people use adult words.

  13. Reagan was truly a Great President

    You mean the Reagan who raised taxes ELEVEN times? The Reagan who increased the deficit far beyond anything ever anticipated, in order to pay for his profligate tax breaks and military spending? The Reagan who was a union president?

    Or perhaps the one who couldn't tell the difference between actual history and movies he had seen?

    LOL, you truly are a Disciple of THAT Reagan.

    "Reagan Democrats"? I must have missed where Reagan was running for office in 2012.

  14. It's difficult to argue with someone when their core value is consumerism. That's the ball that Reagan really got rolling.

    I don't like to shop. Not that I like all the money I make, but I believe in more than consumerism. Like fish, I believe in a better society where we value the lives of the people who live within it.

    We're all going to be dead soon - and everything we've bought ain't gonna mean a thing then.

  15. Then again, there seems to be a lot of people these days who think it is the governments responsibility to provide them a steady income and job security.

    Yep. They're called bankers.

  16. Oh, and if you honestly believe a link to the SEIU union website is a credible link, well then I guess don't even have a response to something that absurd.

    Perhaps then you will consider the link to a CNN article that James posted in a subsequent post, that says 1.7 million to 3.1 million jobs.

    But I doubt it. It still conflicts with your opinion.
