Saturday, January 7, 2012

Career Wisconsin Politician Making $144,423 Says Others Are On The Gravy Train

More irony from Gov. Clueless. And why, like George Bush, can't he speak in actual sentences?  Someone introduce him to the concept of a verb following a subject.

Diagram that first one. And the second is a mess, too:
"I think at the end that's what all the focus around here in Washington, in terms of the national unions focused on getting me recalled," Walker said. "What it really comes down to, I took away the gravy train, the free money they had before and gave that right back to the workers to make that decision."


  1. Can't really place the blame on the guy. He was close to being certified as educated and articulate by Marquette University.

    Then "circumstances" intervened and cruelly prevented him from becoming certifiably "educated".

    He should look on the brighter side: he's clearly "certifiable" in many other respects.

  2. He does have one skill in common with the Jesuits. Only problem is the use.

    One is for the Greater Good.

    The other.. well...

  3. And we will stop the Flight Of The Walker Gravy Plane. .

  4. Gravy train? Those were negotiated benefits, doofus! Wages and salary were sacrificed for those benefits.

    How little respect this governor has for his former teachers and for the truth! The recall cannot happen soon enough. What a blunderbuss!

  5. "Someone introduce him to the concept of a verb following a subject."

    Actually, you could rephrase the above as:

    "Introduce him, someone, to the concept of a verb following a subject."

    The verb can legitimately precede the subject, even begin the sentence, because that's an imperative sentence, the form of a command.

    Scott Walker is apparently more at home with that syntax (i.e. he likes giving orders) than with the syntax of declarative sentences (i.e. he doesn't care so much about statements of fact).

    If only he had avoided declarative sentences altogether, he might have spared himself considerable trouble with the PolitiFact "Truth-o-Meter."

  6. @Jim Bouman: "Can't really place the blame on the guy. He was close to being certified as educated and articulate by Marquette University. Then 'circumstances' intervened and cruelly prevented him from becoming certifiably 'educated'."

    You know, I have truly and seriously wondered whether Scott Walker's attack on the entire Wisconsin educational system, from elementary to university, from students' funding to teachers' unions to eliminating the teaching jobs themselves, might not be his personal revenge: to discredit and tear down the system that rejected him, and wipe away the stinging shame he's lived with for so many years; "I'll show you who's one down! I'm up, now, me, and it's my boot on your face!"

    And of course if an entire generation or more of Wisconsinites are now "cruelly prevented by 'circumstances' (which he created) from becoming certifiably 'educated'" -- well, then Scott Walker won't be pointed at and laughed about so much any more, will he? He'll just be one in a very large crowd. He'd like that.

    He'll still be funny-looking, though. His left eye's a full eye-height above his right eye -- that is, they're split-level -- and he frequently crosses them. Nobody ever talks about that, though. That's why he has thugs, had them all the way back in school. The Guv With The Crooked Eyes.

    Crooked down to his heart and soul, too. Told the supposed "David Koch" he'd thought about planting troublemakers in the Madison protest crowds outside the Capitol building, have them do some violence and discredit the protests. Gotta love a head of government, chief law enforcement officer, sworn to uphold its constitution, who thinks like that. Natural criminal mind.
