Saturday, January 7, 2012

AP Writes Best Walker Headline Yet


  1. The fact is that even after Walker had concerns about Tim Russell, he continued to put him into positions of responsibility. Even giving him access to funds that Russell could then embezzle. While I would love to have all roads lead back to Walker, I am sure he has covered his tracks. But awful judgement, well, we already knew about that. I'm somewhat surprised that Walker didn't somehow tout his, what seems to be, rather tolerant stance toward a gay individual.

  2. I think Walker kept moving Russell around to keep him available as a go-fer, but never with leadership responsibilities. Walker just parked him in the wrong spot, and has to take the blame for moving the charity to Russell's control after the County Ethics board said the operation should be separated from the county exec's office.

    Walker wanted a politically-loyal person to run the charity, as it provided political benefits.
