Friday, April 8, 2011

Waukesha Official Who Found Votes For Prosser Worked Under Him In The Legislature

So says Peter Barca to the LA Times.
"Rep. Peter Barca, the Assembly minority leader, in a statement noted that [Kathy] Nickolaus had worked for Republicans in the Legislature when Prosser was a leader there. "Her approach raises questions about the integrity of the election to the highest court in our state.'"
This is not good, as the 3-1 heavy tilt in found Brookfield votes by Nickolaus in Prosser's favor puts the margin between the candidates outside the mathematically-mandated recount percentage threshold.  If the margin holds - - about 7,500 votes, the million-dollar recount would be on Kloppenburg's tab.

All in all, an amazing coincidence.

Bring in the Feds, ASAP.


  1. has more on her background. Her computer behavior is very strange -- and suspicious:,000-votes-for-Prosser

  2. For more on the curious background -- and computer habits -- of this Waukesha Clerk:,000-votes-for-Prosser

  3. Says James, "I won't be like those whiney righties who started yelling "voter fraud"

    My how times have changed...

    Besides, Joanne declared herself the winner so she already has won, right?
