Monday, October 4, 2010

Someone Said Bill Clinton, Like George Bush, Was Looking Rough These Days?

I had posted an item with photos about former Pres. Bush, and a commenter said Bill Clinton was looking rough, too. Here's a recent shot. I don't think so.



  1. A fair comparison, showing someone who probably spent an hour having makeup applied before a TV appearance to a person who appears in some street shot pictures. Another example of liberal balance.

  2. Every politicians knows they are fair game all the time. It comes with the territory.

  3. No kidding - I asked Rowen in the other posting to compare "like" photos and he posts this.

    And he doesn't even have the stones to admit it when Ron R points out the discrepancy.

  4. Am surprised this was such a sensitive issue for you Rowen, especially in light of your ineffective response to it.
