Friday, September 5, 2008

Gretchen Schuldt Exposes I-94 Public Comment Period As Sham

Gretchen Schuldt has found transportation documents that prove what observers have long believed: Public comment periods for government project approvals are sham procedures, since the decisions have already made.

What Schuldt has found and exposed is the official endorsement of the $1.9 billion I-94 reconstruction and expansion from Milwaukee to the Illinois line being drafted prior to the final public comment period.

The comment period is part of the official planning process. It's where comments are received, and, allegedly, are reviewed to help decision-makers decide which among the alternatives should be approved.

This is because the money being spent is public money.

I know a planner at a public agency who has referred to the comment process at that agency as "review and dismiss," but what Schuldt has found is one step more deceitful.

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