Friday, September 5, 2008

GOP Strategy: We're Not The GOP

Of course McCain has to distance himself from George W. Bush:

Unemployment is above 6%, home foreclosures are at a 29-year high and are running at 7,000 a day, and the stock market, where many people have their retirements funds, is dropping as fast home equity - - that other pillar of investment savings.

McCain spent years cultivating a faux maverick reputation when it came to the GOP's extremist's far-right base, and now he's embracing it - - but just isn't calling it the Republican party of George W. Bush.

(And can we please be done with that maverick label, unless being a maverick means being licensed to stand for nothing when opportunism calls? McCain is the Gold Medal flip-flopper, on everything from abortion rights to oil drilling?)

It's that contradiction that provides the Democrats' best opportunity.

Turning the country over to McCain-Palin puts the country and families deeper into debt.

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