Friday, August 8, 2008

Scott Walker's Run For Governor Continues To Embarrass

The State of Wisconsin has funding set aside for land acquisition, yet Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker opposes a plan to spend $10.8 million of that money to acquire nearly 1,000 acres to expand the Kettle Moraine State Park in Walworth and Waukesha Counties.

Why, just yesterday, I opined that it was a great idea.

Here's why Walker is against it:

Because Gov. Jim Doyle is for it.

It's that simple and transparent.

If the land is in the public domain - - for hunters, hikers and recreational users of all sorts - - Walker's pals among the road-builders and other special interests would be unable to buy, pave, and resell the land.

They'd have to share it in common with the masses.

Gives you a bit of an insight into what a Walker administration would look like - - the Wisconsin variation of the George Walker Bush administration.


  1. Actually, Governor Doyle acts a lot like President Bush. Under the Doyle administration the state debt has doubled. When Doyle took office 48 states had deficits (Wyoming and Alaska did not). In 2006, 46 states had surpluses. I understand why Lousiana and Mississippi had deficits (a hurricane comes to mind) but why did Wisconsin. It is because Doyle has mismanaged the state budget in good times and bad.

    Scott Walker opposes taking land off of the tax roles. Local governments depend heavily upon property taxes to provide essential services. Wisconsin has gone from the 26th most indebted state to number four. We are on credit watch from Moody & Poors. Perhaps he recognizes, unlike Governor Doyle, the severe problems Wisconsin faces. WE can no long afford to allow Doyle to use his veto pen to increase debt, to transfer money from the transportation department (back filling with debt) to continue to bribe the teacher unions to support an extreme agenda. Doyle is a horrible governor and Scott Walker is the best solution to the mismanagement created by Doyle's policies.

    Soctt Walker has proposed his 7th straight budget for Milwaukee County without a mill levy increase. He has preserved essential services. In a severe recession Scott Walker has the fiscal responsibility to correct the mess of Madison spending and to bring business back to Wisconsin.

  2. I think the economy has something to do with it.
