Friday, August 8, 2008

Environmental Groups, WE Energies, Negotiate A Smart Settlement

There has been a productive settlement ending protracted litigation between state environmental groups and the owners of the Oak Creek power plant.

The plant's construction on Lake Michigan will proceed, and its owners will make several significant contributions to lake cleanup and other environmental activities.

Among the highlights, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

"$100 million would be allocated for Great Lakes water quality, to address problems including invasive species, runoff pollution, toxic loadings and habitat destruction.

"$5 million would fund projects to reduce emissions linked to global warming, consistent with a recommendation of Gov. Jim Doyle ' s global warming task force.

"The utilities would seek to expand the state 's solar energy by 15 megawatts.

"Another initiative would seek to invest in energy efficiency projects for public buildings in the state, another task force recommendation.

"All three utilities would agree to provide information to customers to help track utility greenhouse gas emissions."

I think this is a good example of thoughtful negotiations that produced outcomes serving broad public policy purposes.

It could be used as the basis for regional agreements in southeastern Wisconsin - - if the parties want to think big and put real issues on the table.

A final thought.

I don't think the settlement would have been possible if litigation hadn't been initiated.

It's always a heavy card for groups to play - - costly in dollars and, potentially, in bridges burned - - but the serious signal it sent to all parties helped pave the way for the deal, no doubt.

I like the settlement, and I like the strategy and the willingness of environmental groups to take risks.

Well done, Clean Wisconsin, Sierra Club, and their attorneys.


  1. I honestly think our politicians should campain and produce Energy Solution like T. Boone Pickens did in his Video on Energy Independence.

    Here's a link:


  2. T. Boone Pickens is heavily invested in wind power. The cost of wind power takes about 25 years to pay off the initial investment and the life expectancy of the turbines is only 20 years. T. Boone Pickens is advertising, using donations from others (smart man, eh) to promote government subsides for his investments. He is not doing this for the good of the country or the environment.
