Monday, April 14, 2008

Great Lakes Water Resource Index

From time to time, I post a list of online sites that offer information about Great Lakes water issues.

Here's the newly-updated list.

Please send me suggestions, and I will repost this in a few weeks or so.


1. Loon Commons. Environmental Blog in Minnesota.

2. Michigan Liberal. More politics than environment.

3. Dave Dempsey Blog, in Minnesota, via Michigan. A treasure.

4. The Political Environment blog, from Wisconsin. Great Lakes water, land use and political issues. This is my blog, fyi.

5. Energetich20 blog. This is by a UW-Madison engineering student. Would that more individuals would be this dedicated.

6. Dale Olen Blog - - Wisconsin activist.

7. Noah Hall - - Great Lakes Legal blog.

Online news and information sites:

1. Great Lakes All-purpose informational site.

2. Great Lakes Information Network, GLIN, collecting traditional media, daily (but no blog items).

3. Great Lakes Town Hall, an arm of the Biodiversity Project, Madison.

4. The environmental engineering firm Brown and Caldwell has an excellent newsletter and roundup (free registration required here).Great Lakes For All.

5. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's WATER Institute: Numerous experts, papers, other resources.

6. Peter Annin's Great Lakes Water Wars: Comprehensive listing of Great Lakes resources, diversion applications and responses, and more. One of my personal favorites.

7. Good variety of sources at Great Lakes Shipwatchers.

8. Oregon State University's Water and Watersheds.

9. Wisconsin Association of Lakes e-newsletter and additional resources.

10. Midwest Lakes Policy Center. Water issues, generally.