Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Regular blogging here is on pause...

Due to this Tuesday night downtown Milwaukee message:

Screenshot of Khris Middleton and Giannis Antetokounmpo during trophy presentations.


  1. Woo hoo! Bucks in six! Enjoy the celebrations!

  2. In a sad commentary on the state of Wisconsin politics, I have to admit that the best part of the Bucks’ incredible championship is that they are from the city of Milwaukee. The city that has been mercilessly demonized by GOP politicians as an irredeemable hellhole. The city that now-kicked-to-the-gutter Scott Walker campaigned on by saying, “We don’t want Wisconsin to become like Milwaukee.” As if the city was somehow not even IN Wisconsin, and its residents not Wisconsinites. The city with a majority minority population. The city that is the economic engine for the rest of the (mostly ungrateful) state. Congrats, Bucks! Congrats, Milwaukee!
