Thursday, June 10, 2021

Another WI jurisdiction fails Equity 101

Marathon County, (90.8% white) was roasted in The New York Times for some officials and residents' hostility to diversity:

A ‘Community for All’? Not So Fast, This Wisconsin County Says.

WAUSAU, Wis. — A standing-room-only crowd packed a drab courthouse meeting room one recent night and tried to resolve a thorny, yearlong debate over whether Marathon County should declare itself “a community for all....”

In the end, the executive committee of the county board rejected the resolution by a 6-to-2 vote on Thursday night, a result that both sides say is worse than never having considered it in the first place.

But some people in the Elmbrook School District in Waukesha County just showed that resistance to inclusion is not exclusive to Marathon County many miles to the north:

Elmbrook School Board votes to remove equity portion of district strategy plan

BROOKFIELD — The Elmbrook School Board voted to remove part of a plan to promote equity within the district during a meeting Tuesday night.

Dozens of people turned out to voice their opposition to the equity principles included in the plan. Cheers rang out when the board made the vote.

The Elmbrook School District serves Elm Grove (91.3% white), Brookfield (84.7 white), and a portion of New Berlin (92.7% white), and the area votes heavily Republican.

Overall, Trump carried Waukesha County by 21 points after winning it by 27 in 2016. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the county by 35 in 2012. 

Wisconsin's motto is "Forward," and it's printed on the state flag - 

Flag of Wisconsin

- though the word doesn't point to everyone's path. 

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