Saturday, October 31, 2020

Science: Recent Trump rallies likely sickened 30,000, killed 700

We know that Dr. Bleach it prefers magic and miracles to science - except when he's getting the latest and greatest medical care at Walker Reed -  but Wisconsinites who stood shoulder-to-shoulder in Green Bay Friday alongside fellow mask-free death wishers imitating the cult leader sure could have benefited from the science in this story before they decided to head for the Trump show with their MAGA hats on: 

Stanford study estimates that 18 crowded Trump rallies ultimately resulted in 30,000 coronarvius cases
The study, released Friday by Stanford economics professor B. Douglas Bernheim and three doctoral students, examined rallies staged by Trump between June 20 and Sept. 30 and looked at the trajectory of cases in the counties in which they were held. 

And folks who attended Trump's Super-Spreader rally in Janesville 14 days ago 

should definitely get a COVID-19 test, lest they, and unaware friends and  family members end up in the ledgers showing Wisconsin heading for 2,000 COVID dead and 221,000 sickened before The Day of the Dead ends Monday night. 

1 comment:

  1. Where is the actual evidence that RJ has recovered or ever had Covid-19? in the first place???
    For many of us, he is a compromised person of lucky wealth and family. If he really chooses to run again for Senate, voters now know of his loyalty to the Trump ideology, which may not be a viable reason for voters to choose him in a second term for Senate, after the current election.
