Monday, July 13, 2020

OK, Milwaukee, play ball with the city mask ordinance

So glad to see the Milwaukee Common Council pass unanimously a city mask-wearing ordinance, with reasonable exceptions, that should add more uniform protection in stores buildings and other public places.

You can read a full explanation, here:
"If you are going to do business during a pandemic in the City of Milwaukee, make sure you're protecting your employees and visitors," lead sponsor Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic said during a news conference ahead of the afternoon meeting. "We're partners in this. We want a healthy city." 
The council also unanimously adopted a separate proposal to provide free masks to city residents. 
For what's it's worth, I can pass on my experience that mask-wearing becomes second nature, with little-to-no hassle. 

As the pandemic rages on, every bit of social awareness and concern for others that is expressed by mask-wearing builds community and amplifies personal and public health. As the experts have long-recommended.

And props to Dane County and the Village of Shorewood for being a step or two ahead.

1 comment:

  1. I take issue with the fifth ordinance exception: “Those with religious beliefs that prevent them from wearing masks.” Huh?? I know there are an awful lot of religions with an awful lot of strange rules, but I dare anyone to tell me they follow one that literally lists in its tenets: “Thou shalt not ever wear a face mask.” Even if there is one (which I doubt), why are we putting religious belief—which is basically the suspension of logical thought—over irrefutable, deadly fact? My mother, who has attended Catholic Mass every week of her life for 78 years, hasn’t gone since the pandemic broke out in March. She is still happy and healthy, and apparently has no fear of burning in hell for eternity. If she can do it, why can’t others?
