Tuesday, June 23, 2020

WI appearances showcase GOP's worst people and words

Trump's looming appearance at a Fox News 'town hall' on the grounds of the airport which serves Green Bay in Brown County, WI on Thursday sets up more negative media on the heels of Trump's Tulsa trauma.
Consider that:

With 2,581 confirmed cases, Brown County ranks second among Wisconsin's 72 counties, data show, though the county is ranked fourth in population. Media no doubt have the information. 

In fact, Brown County has been a highly-publicized Covid-19 hotspot during the pandemic which Trump has so horrribly mishandled, in part because there was an outbreak at a meat-packing plant where workers must work side-by-side in confined spaces in which this virus moves and thrives.

Trump's response: a Presidential order that required all meat-packing plants to remain open regardless of case spikes and deaths among those workers nationwide.

The Green Bay outbreak was alluded to with unbelievably callous disregard by none other than Patience Roggensack, the GOP-sympathetic Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice when she was getting ready to reward similarly callously dismissive GOP legislators with a ruling that abruptly ended the state's 'Safer-at-Home' Covid-controlling gubernatorial order.

A ruling preceded by another rightwing Justice's comparison during live-streamed deliberations to the internment of Japanese-American's during World War II, so there was something of competition in the Court's reactionary majority for Biggest or Dumbest Bigot during the Covid pandemic.

* Bad enough that Roggensack made her revealing remark that led to an accusation of racism -
A Wisconsin chief justice faced backlash for blaming a county's coronavirus outbreak on meatpacking employees, not 'regular folks'
- but her 'reasoning' seemed to find a friend in GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos when he also aired his own version of 'blame-the-minorities-for-the-pandemic' in yet another Wisconsin county with a disproportionately continuing number of Covid cases.
Vos blames Racine Covid-19 victims' immigrant 'culture' for their suffering
There's an elitist and racist pattern to this victim-shaming in Wisconsin which is unacceptably awful while other 'regular folk' are working hard to combat twin pandemics of the Covid virus and systemic racism and put some substance behind the 'we're all in this together' sloganeering.

Yet this is precisely the scene of suffering into which Trump has decided to fly in on the taxpayer's dime and make another of his corrosive contributions.

Wisconsin is going to get plenty of high-profile GOP visits between now and election day because we've got pivotal electoral votes that Trump doesn't want to forfeit.

But I don't think you'll hear Democrats griping about his campaign's strategies, since every one of Trump's appearances, or Tuesday's group gross-out in Waukesha County by Walker, Pence and DeVos will motivate all manner of citizens to walk through fire and voter suppression to return decency to government and send Republicans packing.

2:45 p.m. update:

Reduced to a self-described warm-up role, Walker posts requisite suck-up rhetoric on Twitter with a photo showing speakers addressing the crowd without masks, missing an educational opportunity at an event purportedly devoted to education:

So glad to see again highlighting the importance of #SchoolChoice Glad to warm up the crowd for him here in Pewaukee!
Quote Tweet
Mike Pence
School choice is an idea whose time has come and as this movement grows, we’ll continue to fight to give every parent the right to choose where their kids go to school, regardless of zip code or income.

1 comment:

  1. And keeping the meatpacking plants running wasn't even necessary. "But Americans were never at risk of a severe meat shortage, a USA TODAY investigation found, based on an analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data and interviews with meat industry analysts.

    Instead, some critics say, the fear was used to justify the executive order, which provided some liability protection for meatpacking plants." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2020/06/16/meat-shortages-were-unlikely-despite-warnings-trump-meatpackers/3198259001/
