Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The WI right's single issue: Suppress the vote, retain power, save Trump

Not content with manipulating election calendars, limiting voting hours, and mandating the use of onerous, unnecessary and intentionally restrictive voter IDs, the Trumpian far-right now controlling the former party of Lincoln and the State Supreme Court majority it helped embed wants the Justices to flat-out throw massive numbers of registered voters off the rolls.
Conservatives ask Wisconsin Supreme Court to put voter purge case on a fast track
This is drunk-with-power twisted politics favored by the vindictive and the vanquished
Scott Walker says he will chair Trump's Wisconsin re-election campaign


  1. It may not be looking good for Dan Kelly. Vote Karofsky for WI supreme Court

  2. There's a month left for the right-wing money machine and the NRA's rescue fund to save Machine Gun Kelly.
