Monday, March 30, 2020

Ron Johnson extends business 'creative destruction' coldness to something more chilling

You may remember that Ron Johnson had said business failure was just the inevitable hand of the free market picking winners and losers. He called it "creative destruction."

Noted on this blog in 2010.

Businesses are created. Many die. And while Mitt Romney famously said  "corporations are people, my friends," that's not really true.

Ask someone who's sat with a loved one in hospice. 

Fast forward to today, amidst a pandemic killing people from Milwaukee to Manhattan to the Middle East, and here comes Our Ghoulish Marketplace Champion (and hypocrite) - - whom you and I pay to represent us - - urging people be put at risk of dying for business reasons because death is an inevitable part of life.

A GOP senator calls on Trump to reopen parts of the coronavirus-stricken economy because 'death is an unavoidable part of life'
What is the appetite or audience for these words? 

Well, not these people:
Breaking news: US Death toll surpasses 3,000
This isn't leadership. It's taxpayer-paid ghoulishness. There's a certain percentage of the population already in dire psychological straits whose diminishing peace of mind just took an unwanted hit.

From a guy who is freshly in soothing, free-market money heaven.

Johnson has done what I hadn't thought possible: Leap-frog Trump in the Worst Public Official Sweepstakes.


  1. Why is this garbage of a human being relevant. I am shocked that the GOP base allows this clown to speak.

  2. Here’s an entire group of people contending with Trump and Johnson in the “chilling and heartless” department: every local Wisconsin politician who is forging ahead with the April 7 primary as if we are not in the middle of a pandemic. Seriously, can somebody please tell me why Wisconsin is the only state in the union which has not either postponed their April primary and/or changed it to “mail-in only?” Unless I missed it, can you tell me, James, why you haven’t mused about this insane situation yet on your blog, choosing instead to post things like a photo of our idiot ex-governor posing with an expired beer and an empty hot dog bun?

    For the record, my wife and I submitted our absentee ballots last week. How many thousands of Wisconsinites, though, will have been shut out of the electoral process for choosing their right to life over their right to vote?

  3. Mortified West Allis ResidentMarch 31, 2020 at 8:27 AM

    Spawn of Ayn Rand

  4. To Minnesota Tom: I generated today a discussion about the baffling primary push forward on my Facebook page, where I have 5,000 friends. What is emerging is that Evers has not made a move because the GOP legislators will not cooperate, probably litigate. I hope he's letting the growing publicity about the risks and a shortage of poll workers get so loud that he or the state commissioner of Health will move to suspend.

  5. As someone who donated and voted for Tony Evers, I am incredibly disappointed in his absolute REFUSAL to stand up to the corrupt EVIL Republicans who want the April 7 election to proceed, endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin voters.

    Tony Evers needs to "grow a pair" and issue an Executive Order postponing the election until late April. Let Vos, Fitzgerald, W.I.L.L. sue Evers to force the April 7th election to occur. Put the responsibility for jeopardizing the lives of Wisconsin voters squarely on the backs of the CORRUPT Republican cabal that controls this state.

  6. James, this situation is par for the course with the reptiles of the Republican party. What baffles me is that Governor Evers seems just as gung-ho as they do. Just today I heard him say that April 7 is “enshrined in state law” and that “people leave home to go to the grocery store. Why can’t they leave home to vote?” Really, Tony? Really????

    Thank you for pointing me to your Facebook page. I’d join in the discussion there, but I have a very strict “no politics” policy on Facebook, especially on “public” sites. I go by my real name on Facebook and I hate getting into it with trolls. I’ve learned the dangers of politics among friends and relatives especially. That’s the whole reason I created my Minnesconsin Tom” persona on Blogger. I can vent safely in anonymity. Thank you for all you do!

  7. Thanks for being a reader and thoughtful participant. And for the kick in the pants.

