Saturday, November 16, 2019

As Trump sinks, Wash Post highlights RoJo's role

Kudos to The Washington Post today for continuing to give
Ron Johnson his due:
More testimony raises the question: What did Ron Johnson know about Trump’s intentions with Ukraine?
The Wisconsin Republican’s name keeps popping up in testimony in critical conversations, including with Trump and Ukraine’s president. They are conversations that could help assess whether Ukrainians knew there were conditions on getting their military aid and whether Trump was behind ordering those conditions....
In July, the senator met with Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian diplomat who was known for circulating conspiracy theories about the Ukrainian government and the Democratic National Committee collaborating during the 2016 election, as reported last month by The Post’s Elise Viebeck, who was the first reporter to look at all of Johnson’s ties to this probe. 
And earlier:
‘Who leaked?’ An analysis of GOP Sen. Ron Johnson’s conspiracy-minded defense of Trump.
And even earlier:
Republican Sen. Ron Johnson just did Trump no favors on Ukraine
And speaking of Johnson 'popping up,' there he is in a Journal Sentinel story Saturday afternoon, again defending Trump:
During an interview, Johnson chided Democrats for pursuing impeachment. "There's no evidence of any kind of impeachable offense there," he said. "I don't know where the Democrats are going with this. I don't know why they're putting the country through this."

1 comment:

  1. Mortified West Allis ResidentNovember 17, 2019 at 12:09 PM

    I watched Senator Johnson on Meet the Press this morning. I seemed, in part, to decry division and partisanship but indicated at the conclusion of the interview that he would be meeting with Representatives Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes shortly.

    This is beyond embarrassment.
