Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Career politician generously will hand Congressional seat to some Waukesha whippersnapper

Because every 40 years or so you give someone else a shot , and goodbye to the 70's.
“I think the time has come to basically turn over the page in the 5th District,” said ultra-careerist placeholder Jim Sensenbrenner 
Jim Sensenbrenner.jpg 

Did Dale Kooyenga's bad judgement ruin his chances?

1 comment:

  1. This man did tremendous damage to this country and to this state from the Reagan years forward. His voting record moving in lockstep with the NRA is a disgrace and the blood of the slaughtered is on his hands as well as the rest of the GOP. His bigoted hate towards people of color and LGBTQ people caused immense pain and suffering.
