Saturday, August 24, 2019

Walker, Vos to WI motorists: Ciao, suckers!

Hey, motorists in southern Wisconsin: If you worried that Walker and Vos were sharing your pain, stop fretting. They're not.

So let's tie together their legacy of highway delays, no-transit-road-congestion and dangerous, one-dimensionally corrupted public policy noted here and here on this blog recently -  - 
Vos, Walker blocked commuter rail in congested, deadly I-94 corridor
Walker's killing Madison-MKE rail didn't help capital win DNC hotel business 
Walker was last seen on Twitter having fun on his motorcycle, chowing down here and there and enjoying the beautiful outdoors in Wyoming. 

You can find that video yourself on his page on Aug. 19- - 
Got to love finding a swing on my way up the mountain in Jackson Hole! 
Wheeeee - - 

 - - with the vista he shared that reminds me of the Penokee Hills in NW Wisconsin he was all for flattening for the open-pit iron ore mining company which boosted a third-party Walker recall campaign ally with a quiet $700,000.

And Vos: 
Robin Vos speaks at Racine Tea Party event (8378614585).jpg

Italy, here I come during the Assembly's vacation schedule he submitted

Ciao!! and Wheeeeeee!!

1 comment:

  1. As a Western Massachusetts resident transplanted from Wisconsin (70 years), I can thank Walker and the gang for improved train service here. There is a pilot program to increase Amtrak passenger trains going through Northampton, where I now live, from one to two. This is an excerpt from an article in the Hampshire Daily Gazette August 16.

    Getting More Aboard…

    It turned out that one of former President Barack Obama’s early initiatives to combat the recession was to release funds for high speed and inter-city projects. The caveat, according to Brennan, was those projects had to be ready to go. PVPC’s “Knowledge Corridor Passenger Rail Feasibility Study Final Report” was completed in December 2009. PVPC helped the state apply for a first-round grant of $73 million for new track ties and station platforms in Northampton, Greenfield and eventually Holyoke. “We received almost full funding,” Brennan explains. “There was another piece of luck — when Wisconsin ended up returning its grant money, partially funded projects got another look.”

    Best wishes and keep up the good fight
