Monday, August 5, 2019

3 more hounds thrown to the wolves in WI. $2,500 state reimbursements on tap.

Hunters in Wisconsin continue to throw their hunting dogs to the wolves during bear hunt-'training season' which runs from July 1 to Aug. 31, per the WI DNR.

Under a Wisconsin-only law, the owner of any hunting dog that is killed under these circumstances is eligible for a $2,500 Wisconsin government check. Scofflaws, repeat check recipients, anyone ignoring DNR warnings about known wolf territory or near bait left behind to lure bears, and wolves - - just step right up.

Excluding 2019 payments, the state has paid hound owners more than $786,000 since the Legislature created the reimbursement program, according to DNR records.

More money in the aggregate has compensated farmers and ranchers for livestock losses.

Here are the details of latest fatal dog-wolf encounters posted by the WI DNR that have opened up the state's Animal Cruelty Pay Window:
07/23/2019Iron1 Hunting dog killed (Walker, 2-year old female)Iron depredation siteIron depredation location map [PDF]
07/28/2019Price1 Hunting dog killed (Redbone, 4-year old female)Price depredation sitePrice depredation location map [PDF]
08/03/2019Forest1 Hunting dog killed (Plott, 5-year old female)Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]
One of the so-called 'depredated' dogs - - that's nicer sounding than 'torn to pieces- -  was a Plott hound, like this one:
Note that three such fatal dog-wolf fights had already taken place in Forest County, with the recent total there now four, leading no doubt to DNR payouts mandated by the Legislature totaling $10,000.

How many potholes could be fixed, or childhood vaccinations provided, or firehouse light bills paid or classroom supplies purchased with $10,000 in state funds in just that one county alone.

Recent similar hunting dog deaths are noted here through July 21:

What sport!
GOP US Rep. Sean Duffy wanted to remove federal protections against wolf-hunting which is now banned, turning to over to states like Wisconsin which had already shown itself to be a weak regulator by letting quotas slip and allowing some dog-assisted wolf hunting.
And if GOP legislators had had their way not long ago, you could go wolf killing any time you chose. 
Imagine how high those DNR payouts would skyrocket.
From the DNR, and there will be more before the training season ends:
07/07/2019Burnett1 Hunting dog killed (Cur, 6-year old male)Burnett depredation siteBurnett depredation location map [PDF]
07/13/2019Forest1 Hunting dog killed (Redbone, 4-year old male)Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]

07/21/2019Forest1 Hunting dog killed (Plott, 7-year old female)Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]
07/21/2019Forest1 Hunting dog killed (Walker, 5-year old female)Forest depredation siteForest depredation location map [PDF]

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