Monday, August 26, 2019

15th hound since July 1 released into fatal WI wolf encounter

The WI DNR reported yet another hound killed by wolves - - again in Price County - - as bear hunters send their dogs during off-leash training to chase bears in wolf territory.

The hound was an 11-year-old female Plott, similar to this one:
08/25/2019Price1 Hunting dog killed (Plott, 11-year old female)Price depredation sitePrice depredation location map [PDF]
The DNR also reported the death by wolves of a 15-year-old Beagle/Bassett pet dog, also in Price County. Because the DNR offers only minimal information about these incidents, it is impossible to know the circumstances of this and other wolf-dog encounters.

I hope at some point a more fully-staffed newsroom or online operation will learn from Open Records requests just how many repeat payment collectors there are, and what documentation, if any, the DNR asks to see about how much the owners paid for their animals and how long the hounds were owned.

Journalist Bill Lueders produced the last such investigative report in 2014.

State pays scofflaws for dogs killed by wolves while hunting other animals
I follow these dog-wolf fatal encounters, particularly involving the bear-chasing hounds, because each dead dog makes its owner eligible for a $2,500 state reimbursement unique to Wisconsin. Scofflaws, repeat payment applicants and out-of-state hunters have received checks.

Here is a recent post with a fuller account of the reimbursement program; its payouts since 1985 are sure by summer's end to pass the $800,000 mark.

That's a lot of public money not being spent on public programs, along with more than 350 hunting hounds have paid the price.


  1. As a Wisconsin born and raised (and educated, thank you UW-Madison) woman, I cannot believe state government supports any part of this policy. First, hunting with hounds. Secondly, hunting to kill their own dog for reimbursement. Third, actually paying any human being who puts a pet/dog in danger intentionally to collect free pay from their government.

  2. Time for Wisconsin to end this legal dog fighting activity, aka hounding. If the hounds being killed is not enough to end it, the hounders own shared videos of their beloved famiky pets ripping animals apart should. There is no reason for this activity in our society any longer.
