Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump's words are appalling. So are his actions.

Actions also speak pretty loudly, too.

Trump's racist remarks imperil four members of Congress and ideals about equality and the better purposes of the founding of the nation.

But don't look past his slurs to what his cabinet agencies have done in the last 24 hours which also defile the country:

* His Environmental Protection Agency is moving to prevent local communities from appealing pollution permits. So much for a clean, healthy environment and a democracy which serves the people.

* His Department of Justice said it did not believe it could prove Eric Garner's federal rights were violated when he was choked to death over selling individual cigarettes on a New York City street by police. Could not prove...or couldn't tick off Barr's boss and try?

* His Interior and Agricultural Departments are intentionally downgrading the  science of their career staffs by breaking up their teams and forcing hundreds of scientists - - and their families - - to move half way across the country. 

* And Trump himself is decreeing that Central Americans may not directly seek asylum at the southern border without applying first for asylum in Mexico - - so why doesn't he edit the wording on the Statue of Liberty while he's at it.

Yes, Trump is a racist. And he's got a team of high-powered democracy wreckers to do his bidding.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting everything in perspective. It is nauseating to see Trump doing to the country what Walker did to our state.
