Monday, July 1, 2019

Trump trashes the 4th

For your "Everything Trump Touches Dies" file.

Bad enough that Trump can indulge his passion for public over-compensation by personalizing and militarizing the nation's traditional festive July 4th celebration on The Mall.

Worse that he's allowed to rope off a VIP viewing section for family and friends donors for what had been a celebration of democracy.

I grew up in DC. Went several times to the fireworks show on the 4th. It was always fun sitting with complete strangers, sharing a shade tree, chit-chat, and snacks.

In a democracy and at its celebration, there are no privileged characters. Well, at least until Citizens United came along and a President who lost the popular vote installed his family in White House jobs and took them on field trips to World Summits.
A nonpartisan celebration of America’s independence will be turned into a Trump-GOP campaign rally. No U.S. president has presided at the D.C. July 4 event since the 1950s. However, Trump wants to rebrand the nation’s celebration. There will be a VIP area reserved for his high-flying cronies. So much for the “forgotten Americans”. And, Trump will have a flyover by Air Force One to satisfy his vanity.
Props to WisOpinion for running relevant commentary today from old friend Bill Kaplan, writing from the DC area:

Good thing Milwaukee knows how to do its fireworks with a big show on July 3rd - - seen here from open seating/easy viewing at Veterans Park on the Lakefront last year - - 

- - without competing with separate celebrations in the County parks on the 4th.

1 comment:

  1. Mortified West Allis ResidentJuly 3, 2019 at 7:22 AM

    Happy 4th of July to your family and everyone!!! Brats, potato salad, and don't forget the Mosquito repellent(Citronella)for the fireworks!!!!
