Sunday, June 16, 2019

The reveal about Vos' 'no!' Medicaid expansion. And his consistency...

Now I understand his total 'no' to more Medicaid coverage for low-income Wisconsinites: it's all about about him:
I didn’t run for the legislature to vote for the expansion of welfare, especially at a time when we have record unemployment and unfilled jobs. I don’t want more government benefits at a time when we have so much private-sector success. 
Which explains his #never response:
Robin Vos speaks at Racine Tea Party event (8378614585).jpg\

* But at least there's his principled consistency about guarding the taxpayer dollar:

Vos, lawmakers took $4,300 trip to Ohio on state airplane 
* Yes, he's the consistent fiscal watchdog:
Robin “Boss” Vos: The Million Dollar Speaker
Sticks Taxpayers With $1 Million Plus Annual Tab for His Personal Legislative Staff
* And willingly transparent about it, too, so more good news:
$840,000 redistricting contract released after Robin Vos initially refused to provide itt
A law firm hired by Republican state lawmakers to help defend them in a redistricting lawsuit can collect up to an $840,000 fee, but taxpayers could end up paying even more, according to a newly released contract...Before the latest contract, taxpayers had already paid some $2.5 million to outside law firms to draft and defend the maps in court.
* It's such a relief that Vos said he 'didn't run for the legislature to vote for the expansion of welfare' - - imagine how self-servingly hypocritical that could get:
How “Boss” Robin Vos Does Business: Self-Dealing Edition
Millionaire Landlord Uses Legislative Power to Rewrite State Law to His Advantage
See the Journal Sentinel Sunday, June 16, page one report, (full story behind a pay wall): 
A series of sweeping laws promoting the interests of landlords at the expense of renters, local governments and even public safety have been pushed through the state Capitol since 2011 by a group of lawmakers who moonlight as landlords.  
Backed by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos — a college-town landlord with 23 properties worth about $3.8 million — the Republican-controlled Legislature enacted five major bills largely benefiting landlords.  

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