Thursday, April 4, 2019

WI is literally littered by Walker-era trash legislation

Every time I see and pick up a discarded plastic bag like this one

today down a Lake Park ravine, I want to remind everyone that Scott Walker and his legislative allies always busy with removing local municipalities' options while also trashing the environment at every turn actually passed a pre-emptive measure in 2018 that banned local governments from enacting bans on plastic bags and related garbage, so retaining the financial, chemical and aesthetic pollution that pollution carries:  
Last year, Republicans passed a bill that banned municipalities from enacting plastic bag bans. More specifically, from banning any "bag, cup, bottle, can or other packaging that is designed to be reusable or single-use." When the bill passed, it didn't get a lot of media attention because it was signed the same day as 50 others.  

1 comment:

  1. The referenced law is copied from an ALEC "model bill", because some packaging manufacturers association is a member of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). That model bill was up for approval during the first of two ALEC conferences I attended undercover for the Center for Media and Democracy. I hate ALEC!
