Thursday, April 18, 2019

Foxconn could use existing well water: Racine official

So there's a Plan B.

Having just posted about the continuing need for a Lake Michigan water diversion to serve Foxconn

 - - and the state of a legal challenge under the Great Lakes Compact to the DNR's diversion approval - - I found these remarks from the Racine water utility manager extremely interesting, even  provocative:
"The Compact allows the City to build a water main in the diversion area but we can’t flush water outside the diversion line until the administrative law judge gives the green light. If he says no, they will just sit there,” says Keith Haas, general manager of the Racine Water Utility  
The Big ‘What If’
“If the diversion gets denied, Foxconn could have Mt. Pleasant turn on the existing well and apply for an additional well through the DNR. While using well water is not a long-term sustainable solution, it is an option,” said Haas.
Here is a link to a full archive of Foxconn posts dating to June, 2017.

Though the legal and geographic circumstances of this diversion differ from the Waukesha diversion approval, similar issues about need and availability were and continue to be raised there.

1 comment:

  1. He's wrong. Waukesha say's the deep aquifer isn't sustainable.
