Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Yes, make the swing bridge RiverWalk expansion happen

I was on the relatively-small and new Trestle Park which extends into the Milwaukee River off E. Erie St. yesterday. And it's obvious what the iconic and now unused railroad swing bridge across the river 

could add to the area if it can connect Third Ward and Walker's Point bikers and pedestrians to the RiverWalk on the far shore.

Several public and private-sector parties would have a say in making it all happen; Urban Milwaukee's Jeramey Jennene explains the bridge's history and modern opportunities:
The bridge was built in 1915 by the Chicago & North Western Railway and long served as a critical piece of infrastructure on the company’s mainline between Chicago and St. Paul... 
The bridge has been owned by Union Pacific since the railroad giant acquired CNW in 1995. According to a 2006 city historic designation report, the bridge weighs 800 tons and is 32-feet wide and 243-feet long.
A couple of more views from the Trestle Park up and down the river. 

1 comment:

  1. Is anything being done to make this beautiful old bridge useful again??
    What a gem! Nothing else like this in Milwaukee. So close to the lake and everything going on there. It would be a wonderful place to sit and relax. Or view the city. Take in the river traffic. Enjoy a picnic. Put on concerts. Hold light shows. . . . heck, have the whole thing beautifully lit at night. Maybe a small hamburger joint for river traffic. Could a pedestrian and bike trail bridge be extended across to connect Florida/Davidson Streets to the other side?
    It is a grand opportunity waiting to happen. What can make it happen?
    Bill Klatte
