Thursday, February 21, 2019

WI mainstream has moved past Hagedorn's bigotry

I take it as sign of progress that the generally-conservative Wisconsin Realtors Association now wants nothing to do with Brian Hagedorn's campaign for Wisconsin Supreme Court after Hagedorn's history of anti-gay writings and activities was disclosed.
Realtors revoke endorsement of Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn after reports he founded school that allowed expulsion of gay students
Three related questions:

* Why did Scott Walker make Hagedorn the Governor's Legal Counsel - - sloppy vetting or philosophical alignment?

* Why did Walker appoint Hagedorn to the State Court of Appeals?

* Why is he still on the bench? 

Image of Brian Hagedorn


  1. All I can say is that I hope every Wisconsinite with a 21st-century mindset turns out and votes for Lisa Neubauer for State Supreme Court in the same massive numbers they voted for Rebecca Dallet last April. My fear is that conservatives are ticked off that their boy Walker is now giving speeches for a living and will be energized in this largely “under the radar” election.

    In regard to your “sloppy vetting or philosophical alignment” question, James, I’m sure you know the answer to that. Scott Walker’s raging homophobia has been crystal-clear for his entire career. Even his wife and sons disagree with him on gay rights, and all three admitted they were hurt when Scott refused to attend the same-sex marriage of Tonette’s beloved cousin.

    Graciously, though, Mr. Church Lady did show up for that couple’s reception afterwards. You know, because even though God hates the Sodomites, let’s belly-up to the buffet for the free food!

  2. Food not only free, but fabulous at the gay wedding, although as Walker's food interests runs from the boring ham on rye to the mundane burger and fries . . .
