Sunday, February 3, 2019

What's worse that Walker's Foxconn assurances? Trump's.

File under 'Fool me twice.' Or 'Two fools walked into a bar...'

The only thing less reassuring about Foxconn - - full archive, here - - right now than support from the defeated Governor who steered there billions in public funds to distract from failing to keep his signature 250,000 new jobs pledge by four years is a promise about the Foxconn project's viability from a President who had already made a documented 6,420 false or misleading statements as of three months ago - - or about seven a day.

  • Great news on Foxconn in Wisconsin after my conversation with Terry Gou!
  •  Feb 1 
    Foxconn continues to move forward in Wisconsin!

    1. The phone call between Donald Trump and Terry Gou probably went something like this...

      TRUMP: “Terry, I’ll get right to the point. You guys pulling out of the Foxconn deal in Wisconsin is really gonna make me look bad. I’d really like you to reconsider, because if there’s one thing I absolutely cannot accept it is anything that reflects poorly on me in any way.”

      GOU: “Why of course, Mr. Trump. I will give it my deep, sincere consideration. I would never want to do anything that would harm or embarrass you.” (Hangs up) “ASSHOLE!”

      1. Actually it was probably like

        GOU: "Sure, Mr. Trump. We still plan to do a plant in Wisconsin."
        (Hangs up) "SUCKER!"

    2. I suppose if FoxConn can keep stringing us a long they will get quite a few of our millions for doing nothing.
