Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Let's correct Walker tweet about doing us Foxconn favor

This self-serving, change-the-subject tweet about his Foxconn deal that just lost its promised factory is exactly why Walker was defeated and will never win another election:
54 min, Foxconn earns state tax credits based on actual investment and job creation. No jobs/investment? No credits. Period.
Walker also failed to disclose that if it hadn't been caught and repaired at the last minute by others, the original plan for Foxconn he fast-tracked would have left taxpayers exposed. 
A key vote on the pending Foxconn contract was delayed last week because the state wouldn’t have been able to recoup taxpayer funds if the Taiwanese company didn’t fulfill its end of the deal, according to a member of the board overseeing the negotiation...
WEDC board member Sen. Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee. [said] the issue was a “nuclear bomb” that would have left taxpayers exposed...
“We could have given them all this money and we wouldn’t have been able to get it back,” Carpenter said.
Stop rewriting history! 

1 comment:

  1. Matt Flynn announced this afternoon he is ready to launch complex litigation against Foxconn as soon as Gov Tony Evers (D) gives the go-ahead.

    Tune in at 2:30 pm at Devil's Radio, NewsTalk Radio

    Call (844) 967-2789 to push Dems to end this lunacy.
