Monday, January 7, 2019

Evers, Barnes sound long-overdue democratic notes

Fine swearing in-speeches today addressing our state's best values. and the value of all Wisconsinites regardless of zip code, income and status. 

Breathe of fresh air. 

Full text of Gov. Tony Evers' speech, here. An excerpt:
170 years ago, our forefathers charged us with being industrious and innovative—they gave us a mandate to go forward. We face that calling here today. We must turn the page on the tired politics of the past, and we must lead by example. It’s time to remake and repair our state and to reclaim our better history.
The people of Wisconsin demanded a change this November, and that change is coming. But that change won’t happen without all of us. So, that hard work begins here today.
It begins in our classrooms and on our playgrounds, where our kids learn to be accepting and treat others with kindness and respect–regardless of whether their parents were born here, what their circumstances are, and no matter their identity.
It begins on campuses and in coffee shops, on sidewalks and houses of worship, where we will not fear diversity or our differences but find value in discourse and dialogue that make us better people and better citizens.
It begins with valuing the dignity of all our workers–from paper mills to nursing homes, restaurants to cranberry farms, and village halls to highways–by recognizing that every person has meaning and each job a purpose, none more important than any other.
Finally, it begins in these marble halls where, as elected officials, we are reminded that our obligation and our allegiance are to the people of this state, not any political leader or party. That is the promise and the spirit of our service. May we dare to transcend divisiveness and party line. May we have courage in our conscience. And may we be willing to do what’s best for the next generation rather than the next election.
Also, highlights of remarks by Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, Attorney General Josh Kaul, Secretary of State Doug La Follette and State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, here.

More later.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure that 2019 will bring me many ups and downs and uncertainties on the roller coaster of life, but here’s one new thing of which I am certain: starting today, I am going to sleep every night and waking up every morning happy with—and proud of—my governor.
