Friday, January 18, 2019

Climate change fish mortality could boost a new WI DNR webpage

When - - not if - - Gov. Evers' new team at the DNR recreates an honest, scientifically-based Great Lakes climate change page to replace what Walker's people ideologically scrubbed, this is the sort of information that should be posted, studied, distributed and plugged into policy-making:
Climate change has beenreducing the average amount of ice and snow cover on the Great Lakes. For fish species like ciscoes, this could end up being a problem. Researchers at the University of Vermont are studying if more light, because of less ice cover, could have an impact on fish egg development and survival after hatching....
Ciscoes play an important role in the Great Lakes ecosystem. They’re a vital preyfish species to important predators such as lake trout, and they and their eggs (as caviar) are eaten by people. 
The information above is distributed by the International Joint Commission, a 110-year-old body created by the US and Canada under the Boundary Waters Treaty. Pretty credible, don't you think?
In the Boundary Waters Treaty, Canada and the United States agreed that neither country will pollute boundary waters, or waters that flow across the boundary, to an extent that would cause injury to health or property in the other country. When asked by governments, the IJC investigates, monitors and recommends actions regarding the quality of water in lakes and rivers along the Canada-United States border. The IJC has water quality responsibilities for the St. Croix River, the Rainy River and the Red River. However, much of the Commission'swork focuses on helping governments clean up the Great Lakes and prevent further pollution.
More facts:

Ciscoes look like this:
Climate change information obstructionists look like this:
Wisconsin DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp proudly shows off her first deer, taken opening weekend last year. In the upcoming TV Special "Deer Hunt Wisconsin 2012, Stepp urges male hunters to take more girls and women hunting. "The secret's out," she says. "Hunting is a lot of fun, so don't keep it to yourselves."  photo courtesy of Wisconsin DNR

The reconstituted webpage could also use a dose of this:

The World Was Just Issued 12-Year Ultimatum On Climate Change
Leading climate scientists paint dire portrait of years to come if we maintain carbon-emission status quo

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