Monday, December 24, 2018

1K Friends of WI's short, brilliant Foxconn summation

I am a proud founding member of 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, special among Wisconsin's environmental groups because of the group's focus on transportation - -  or as its latest newsletter "Landscape" puts it - -  "the link between good community design and protections of the natural environment."

I was struck by a short item in the newsletter on the Foxconn project which ties many of its environmental impacts all together.

So I am inserting it below,
will include it in my every-expanding, 18-month-long Foxconn archive, here, and also copy out the text should the photo be imperfect:

Foxconn - - BAD DEAL for the environment and human health
- - no environmental impact statement required
- - diverts millions of gallons of water each day from Lake Michigan
- - will emit pollutants including nitrogen oxides, VOCs, particulates, carbon      dioxide and greenhouse gases
- - rural location requires expanded highways and increased emissions
- - pollutants contributing to lung and cardiovascular disease.
Foxconn could have addressed huge release of greenhouse gas with an on-site investment in renewable energy generation. I was not required - it did not happen. This is only the beginning of the story.
To that summary I'd add the devastating impact on local property owners and the soul of the community.

1 comment:

  1. Huge, breathtaking, frustrating in the face of common sense
