Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Walker's job plan: import Chinese workers to Foxconn

Well done, Governor Useless - - Thanks for inviting in another caravan.
Foxconn mulls importing Chinese skilled workers for Wisconsin plant
MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis.— Foxconn Technology Group is considering bringing in personnel from China to help staff a large facility under construction in southern Wisconsin as it struggles to find engineers and other workers in one of the tightest labor markets in the U.S. 
I'll add the link to the top of this archive about Walker's Folly. 


  1. The usual blustery pundits are trying to cover for Walker by playing the dishonest "bothsiderism" card. The main story featured at jsonline.com is a hack-piece that claims NEITHER side has a job plan.

    The report is intellectually dishonest as it equates 8-year incumbent Walker's failure to ever produce a job plan behind his failed promise to create 250,000 jobs in his FIRST term, with first-time gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers campaign which has only been functional for a few months.

    jsonline is also refuting the premise of your post, essentially proclaiming "Geee, Foxconn wouldn't do that and they promised me a pony!"

    Please get out and vote today, send Scott Walker packing, and make if difficult from him to run for President again in 2020 or 2024. Please do not underestimate this fool -- people have done that for too long now.

    And please take note: If he can take this election by hook or crook, he will be able to rehab his national reputation with help of the usual right-wing media. Don't forget, MJS is owned by Gannett, so their pro-Walker propaganda is ready to roll-out national if/when the time is right.

  2. Is it really surprising that they are bringing in their own engineers and project managers? Do they really want to share manufacturing secrets with us? I doubt it. They are here for the low wage, non union factory workers and the water. WI still has a $7.25 minimum wage and the lowest median wages in the midwest. And then there is all that water to exploit.

  3. Don't forget, anon 2:56, being able to foul the are under DNR's "Chamber of Commerce" mentality was a major benefit too.

  4. This has been Foxconn's plan all along. They want our water. They will pollute our soil, groundwater and air. The jobs will go to foreigners who will be paid low wages. The profits will go to a foreign company. And if that weren't enough, they want our intellectual property (the Trojan horse 'gift' to the University of Wisconsin).

    All costs to Wisconsin citizens; all benefits to Foxconn.
