Wednesday, August 1, 2018

WI reverses DNR wardens' diminution. Walker tweets about ribs, plane ride

In Michigan, GOP officials have evaded their personal and public responsibilities.

What a coincidence: Walker just did, too:

Smith: DNR changes course, will bring back park rangers

Here's the key sentence:
No individual has accepted responsibility for the flawed plan.
Perhaps it's was just another budget editing error. These things happen.

Anyway, hat tip, Paul Smith at the Journal Sentinel for revealing the badly-screwed up policy and now its mysterious, swift reversal.

And, so far, I see no Walker Tweet about it, which is sort of surprising since Walker Tweets on two accounts about as often as does his BFF, Donald Trump.

Just the usual in Walkertwitterland, the multiple self-praises about Foxconn and his pre-election taxpayer holiday.

I do see other recent tweets, including one referencing a news story about flying with military pilots:

Cool story. I was honored to go up in a F-16 years ago with the gang at the 115th. Had chance to visit them in South Korea last year too. Outstanding team!
Or this on his personal account:

Grabbed some ribs with Alex, Matt and Tonette at the Smoke Shack in Milwaukee for Alex’s birthday! Mmmmmmm good BBQ!

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