Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Should Walker be in these official DHS tweets?

This is the official Wisconsin Department of Health Services twitter feed. Anyone vetting these postings for possible political content, overlap?

Nice messages, to be sure, but does Walker need to in them?

 Aug 6
ICYMI has declared August Breastfeeding Month in ! Breastfeeding for the first 6 mos of a baby's life has health benefits for baby AND mom. Learn more: so everyone lives their best life.

And Aug. 3:

  1. 1:38

1 comment:

  1. Remember that Walker made the Communications positions at these agencies into direct appointments from him, instead of being civil servants.

    The result? This type of taxpayer-funded propaganda from pro-Walker hacks, instead of actual information that the public can use. DOT, DOR and (especially) Workforce Development are horrible offenders of this. Watch to see what kind of crap is put out by DWD with today's job report.

    This is something Evers should hammer on- ending the hackery in Fitzwalkerstan.
