Monday, August 13, 2018

Another hound released into fatal fight with WI wolf

Another hunting hound like this one
English Coonhound.jpg
has been killed by a wolf in Wisconsin as 'training' for the bear hunt continues, the  DNR reports. The agency also cleans up the discussion of this bloody, state-sanction animal abuse by calling the dog deaths "depredations" on its website.
08/11/2018Bayfield1 dog killed (Redtick, male, 7 years)Bayfield depredation siteBayfield depredation location map [PDF]
The owner is entitled to a $2,500 maximum payment from the state in this only-in-Wisconsin payment program, as I have noted often on this blog.

Even scofflaws can get the payment, and there seems to be no limit to how many payments a hounder can collect.

DNR records show that hound owners since 1985 have collected nearly three-quarters of a million dollars in reimbursements after their hounds were killed by wolves.

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