Sunday, July 22, 2018

Walker's Scotthole yearly wheel tax: $640 per WI motorist

The nearly-$640 per year in damages that WI motorists pay to drive on some of the consistently-worst roads in America is more than the national average, non-partisan civil engineers have found.

That's why those Scotthole billboards say "car repair is not economic development," and why we should begin labeling this as Walker's wheel tax, since if you drive, you're gonna be paying it without your consent - - with his decisions adding to the hit.

Here are two other things to keep in mind when computing and analyzing the tax.

*  The Walker wheel tax to your wallet is 20% more than the national average of $553 - - a not insubstantial bump.

* You'd have to have seven kids to collect enough of Walker's gimmicky election-year $100 revenue rebate checks to fully cover your Walker wheel tax/Scottholes' cost. This year only.

And if you need a rental car for a few days while you're getting new shocks and tires, you're back in the red.

Also - - given Foxconn's drain on Walker's priorities and the state transportation budget - - complete Foxconn archive, here - - I don't see Wisconsin's overall road-repair/transit-starved situation turning around. Making the Walker wheel tax recurring.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good and timely post. I also understand that is is easier to get people's attention with pocketbook issues.

    But everyone needs to consider that you are lucky if Scottholes only cost you hundreds in car repairs, because you are at least alive.

    Wisconsin has the nation's 33rd worse highway road fatality rate. More specific data is not easy to find, but could be put together and publicized by those with resources to do so (is Democrat Party of Wisconsin listening).

    Walker's deferred highway maintenance literally kills and maimes. When we have the worst infrastructure in America, it means we have the most dangerous infrastructure. Given the states relatively rural nature and highway structure, it is shameful that 32 other states have safer roads when looking at recent broadly-aggregated data.

    The real failure of Walker's "Endless tax breaks for me, more austerity for the" is that is is killing people. Some slowly and many in quickly - especially on increasingly deadly roads.
