Monday, June 11, 2018

So Racine Co. residents are subsidizing Foxconn jobs elsewhere?

Oh, really?
Many Foxconn jobs won't be in Racine County, a company executive says
But a great deal of that (13,000) will actually be outside Racine," [the official] said. 
Though since Walker has broken his 250,000 new jobs promise for nearly four years, who's surprised that the jobs Racine County was betting on with Walker's repetitive assurance would be elusive, too?

Anyway - - thanks for the late notice, Foxconn, and also thank Racine County and the Village of Mount Pleasant for the hundreds of millions of dollars in local taxes, land, spending, TIF money, borrowings and diverted water Lake Michigan water.
Lake Michigan 
An archive all about Foxconn since Day One is here


  1. Foxconn and Walker never had plans to hire local. Foxconn wants to bring foxconn engineers from China for all the big paying jobs. Also, it has been said that the housing will be for low income. Does that indicate it will be for the Chinese H-1b visas
    workers that come from China? Just who and how many will actually be from surrounding towns doesn't look to encouraging.

  2. Does this mean elsewhere in Wisconsin or elsewhere in the world?

  3. The quotes from FoxConn - geepers, equivocate much? We're going to do this but we may not do this.

  4. Question: now that people all over Wisconsin have realized they will be paying a gazillion dollars in taxes for a foreign company locating in the far southeastern corner of the state, just a stone’s throw from Illinois, what is one way you can make them even angrier?

    Answer: Tell them that many of those jobs will actually be located in MILWAUKEE. You know, that big, bad, crime-infested city filled with scary black and brown people that the governor has been demonizing for...well...his entire career.

    I can’t wait to hear you explain this on the campaign trail, Governor Walker. Especially in your reliably red places like Green Bay, Appleton, and Hudson. I’m sure you’ll be expecting your usual love fests, but you may be surprised.

  5. Even if Walker receives some blow back out on the campaign trail this fall, don't expect to read or hear about it in the mainstream media, especially the Gannett or Journal Sentinel news organizations.

    Now part of the Gannett chain, the Journal Sentinel has been one of Walker's Biggest supporters since his days as Milwaukee County Executive. Jimmy Hoffa's grave is easier to find than a negative story about Scott Walker's performance as Governor in either the Journal Sentinel or any of the other Gannett news rags.

    Thanks to the Republican owned media, Scott Walker will ALWAYS be a HERO to all Wisconsinites and reported on with that in mind.
