Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Walker dismisses MLK Jr. legacy with superficial Tweet

From our hard-right GOP governor who lives not one second of a life similar to that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and who has shown he knows nothing of "the arc of the moral universe [which] bends towards justice" by - - 

Lying about "a drafting error" having led to his budget language smashing the intent of the historic Wisconsin Idea.

Cutting food stamp access for the poor and pushing drug testing and work requirements so the poor can eat;

Enforcing a rock-bottom $7.25 hourly minimum wage and calling it a "living" income.

Promoting and signing laws restricting voting hours;

Establishing punitive and unneeded voter ID which discriminates against minorities, seniors and students;

Enjoying partisan benefits of a blatantly-partisan, secretly-crafted gerrymander at the expense of fair and open government;

Agreeing grudgingly to follow the law and call special elections to fill legislative vacancies he created when he gave two GOP legislators jobs in his administration .

- - we see this perfunctory, 22-word and thoroughly hypocritical tweet - - and photo lifted from somewhere - - which contains absolutely no deep personal or political resonance. 
 3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Today we pause to remember and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. His impact on our country lives on.
How about "recommit to remember and honor," or "begin to commit to remember and honor?"

I 've seen Walker tweets with logo-and-product promotion images of meals out or sporting events or State Fair that indicate more effort or connection.

Such as:
Had a few beers at Fred's Pub at Miller Brewing Co. in Milwaukee, at an event for the Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction at WI State Fair.
Late lunch at . Mmmmmmm!

Ready for a big win on


  1. Oh, I don't know. I would say that the arc of the moral universe is starting to bend again toward justice, and that's very, very bad news for Governor Walker. That MLK quote should probably be Scott Walker's political epitaph.

    My only complaint is that 8 years has been too long a time to wait for the arc of the moral universe to start bending right again -- there's going to be a lot of unbending to do come next January to set Wisconsin back on the path to justice.

  2. Those tweets are, um, food for thought. I'm somewhat surprised he didn't tweet how his "thoughts and prayers" are with the King family and his many followers.

  3. "Late lunch, mmmm"...His introspection and command of the English language nearly rivals that of Dr. King's.
