Friday, April 20, 2018

Walker faces down Trump tariffs with releases, Tweet!!!

Those dairy products in your fridge come with an expiration date.

Apparently there's no deadline on cheap talk by Walker about tariffs Trump triggered on dairy exports to Canada a year ago.

Trump Vows to Back U.S. Dairy Farmers in Canada Trade Spat
Having endorsed Trump for President from the podium at the 2016 GOP convention, Walker knew he only had to snap his figures to get Trump's attention:
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, suit
*  He talked to Trump about it on the phone, according to this report, and followed-up with the rare, triple-exclamation pointed Tweet:
Walker said he spoke with Trump Monday and Tuesday about the dairy crisis.  
“It was great to talk to you this morning,” Walker told Trump on Twitter after the conversation. “Thanks for supporting WI dairy farmers!!!”

*  Wait, there's more: Walker even signed a letter to Trump:.
Walker issued a joint letter to Trump with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday. The move comes as 75 Wisconsin dairy farms won't have buyers for their milk beginning May 1st because of the restrictions.
*  And issued a 'standing up for Wisconsin dairy farmers' news release detailing calls he'd made and assigned to others.


Things are moving in reverse:

Wisconsin now leads the nation in small farm bankruptcies.
As dairy crisis crushes farmers, Wisconsin's rural identity in jeopardy
And when Trump surprised Walker with even more harmful tariffs, Walker "respectfully" asked Trump to stop - - Trump added even more tariffs.

And just to close this leadership loop, the GOP-controlled State Senate, without explanation, just adjourned without taking up a targeted appropriation for rural economic development that zipped through the Assembly on a bi-partisan basis.

So 'Nothing to see here!!!'


  1. My 1st cousins are small-scale dairy farmers (120 milking head). They voted gor Walker and Trump. I told them it was only a matter of time before they got case aside. It took a couple years, but Republicans delivered

  2. @Judeseamus - - a sad story and sadder commentary of WI politics the days.
