Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Locals pushed to hand Foxconn $764 million

Local governments pay more attention to buying a new fire truck or building a new elementary school than the relative hand full of days Mount Pleasant, (pop. 26,000) and Racine County are giving citizens to ponder - - then pony up - - $764 million for Foxconn's sprawling, sprawl-inducing development.

Talk about pro forma public input:  
[A] memorandum says the company, county and village “acknowledge the importance of” reaching a deal on a final development agreement by Oct. 31, and signing it by Nov. 30.
Public information meetings on the Foxconn project will be held at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Mount Pleasant Village Hall and at 5 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Hall in Racine. A third session will begin at 5 p.m. Oct. 24 at Veterans Terrace in Burlington.

You're behind the curve if you don't get the degree to which Wisconsin's land, air and water is being handed over to the private sector in Scott Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' government. 

Foxconn issues, in detail and updated, here.


  1. Key words to tell fuller story: Foreign... Money
    Worse than handing all of WI resources being handed over to private sector is that it's a foreign private sector! And it's also our tax money being handed over to them in addition to the land, air & water (which I agree are more important for the future)

  2. I seriously can't believe anyone thinks this us a good idea. How desperate are people to think that this will work. Really sad and in what used to be in a beautiful area.
