Monday, September 18, 2017

Walker shills rewrite job creation record, Foxconn outlook

Walker is chairman of the Republican Governors Association, so it is not surprising that its email service today is promoting but distorting some Walker basics on a pivotal matter - - jobs.

Call it a sign that Walker's Foxconn-centered re-election campaign is in full swing, beginning in earnest with his Foxconn bill signing today.

a) The RGA email turns Foxconn's ultimate estimated jobs target into a fact, referencing "Foxconn Technology Group's pledge to...employ 13,000 workers..."

Even a link in the email to yet another RGA posting citing a story in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel [Sic] makes clear that 13,000 is a jobs' target, not a hard promise.

Foxconn Technology Group on Wednesday pledged to invest $10 billion to build a display panel plant in Wisconsin that could employ up to 13,000 workers...
b) The RGA lauds Walker for job-creation that simply hasn't happened on his watch, stating "As Governor Scott Walker remains focused on job creation, pushing Wisconsin to new heights, Demcorats [Sic] like Wachs, Gronik, and Evers have made it clear they would only take the state backwards."

New heights?

Walker's failure to keep his 250,000 new-jobs-pledge has been well-documented, his job growth record for 2016 was his worst annual performance, ever, and there was yet another drop just last month in key jobs in Wisconsin, as noted in his administration's news release on employment data last week:

...a preliminary one-month decrease of 8,800 total non-farm and 5,200 private sector jobs from July to August 2017. 

1 comment:

  1. They can't even bother with a spell check. Probably wrote it on a smartphone and hit post.
