Sunday, September 24, 2017

Walker hearts Trump, GOP tax gift/kill-healthcare-bill

In the Vortex of Shamelessness, this key RoJo friend and noted Trump suck-up doesn't miss a tweet.
. you are right. Senators must keep their promises and ✅ vote to by September 30th. 🇺🇸
Meanwhile, more words, no heart or concern for the millions of lives that would be upended and endangered from both Paul Ryan and the aforementioned Rojo. What has happened to Wisconsin? 
  1. A YES vote on GCHJ is a victory for federalism and helps put states and individuals back in charge of their health care decisions.
  2. A NO vote on GCHJ leaves 100% of Obamacare in place and America on path to single-payer health care. Conservatives can't let that happen.


1 comment:

  1. "A NO vote on GCHJ leaves 100% of Obamacare in place and America on path to single-payer health care. Conservatives can't let that happen."
    Give Ronnie a call tomorrow and ask the poor sap tasked with answering the phones why it's ok for Obamacare to remain in Alaska (and Hawaii).
