Friday, September 29, 2017

On Russia/WI hack notifications, RoJo says 'all's well'

[Updated from 9/27/17 with news of Johnson's soft-pedaling Russian sanctions as currently devised. ]

So a year's delay was ok

From his perch high atop a US Senate homeland security committee chairmanship, RoJo the Tea partier has assessed what the feds told Wisconsin officials about Russian hacking efforts, and concludes, hey, don't sweat it.

"I think this story’s been blown way out of proportion as far as people not being notified," Johnson told reporters in Fitchburg....In September 2016, "all was well," he said.
Good enough for me, I mean, the guy's a US Senator and wouldn't mislead on anything important, like say, health care coverages, for example.

Wait a minute: he's this guy.'
WI expert explains Medicaid cuts Ron Johnson said didn't exist
And this champion of spin and denial:
...make sure you consider how dishonestly Johnson rationalized and spun the failure of his [repeal and replace Obamacare] bill by doubling-down in his patented, partisan and insensitive style after his own party's leadership surrendered it without a floor vote: 
 "When it came right down to the moment of truth, unfortunately far too many Republicans didn't honor that [repeal and replace] promise, and in fact acted an awful lot like Democrats that they wanted to throw more money at the problem," Johnson said. 
"That created a schism within our party and we weren't able to pass a bill"
Ron Johnson, official portrait, 112th Congress.jpg 
So now I'm not so sure I can trust the guy.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'll wait for Mueller to tell me what did or didn't happen in Wisconsin in 2016. I wouldn't trust RoJo if he told me water was wet and ice was hard.
