Tuesday, September 5, 2017

False claims infect Walker's budget, Foxconn claims

[Updated from 9/4/17] - - The Legislature's Joint Committee on Finance - - the budget-writing body - - takes up Walker's budget, departmental funding and the Foxconn plan today at 1:30 p.m., 412 E. State Capitol.
Trump's lying is blatant; Walker's is persistent and just as devious.

*  Walker claims an historic budget boost to education, but numbers and history disprove it.

*  Walker says his fast-tracked $3 billion Foxconn subsidy will create 13,000 new jobs and others in supply and spinoff businesses, but neutral experts reveal his bad math and methods.

*  Walker says the Foxconn package will protect the environment while knowing the bill exempts the company from routine state clean water and wetlands procedures, and also knowing that land and water in the Foxconn development area will be further degraded by a freshly-corporatized US EPA which Trump is intentionally dismantling.

Just as Walker did with the WI DNR, and why Trump plucked Walker's pro-business DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp from Wisconsin to do more damage in an entire, four-state EPA region.

*  Walker routinely says his attacks on public policy, resources and employees are "reforms" - - a politicized, talking-point distortion and word game he showcased in early 2011 when he went before a Congressional hearing and said Act 10 was a modest, progressive move.

*  And Walker has no one but himself and his road-building buddies to blame for his budget-draining debt-ridden WisDOT spending fiasco which he now wants fuel-efficient hybrid and electric vehicle owners to solve, since he pushed for $6.4 billion in unfunded SE WI highway projects since 2003.

The pattern is unmistakable.

1 comment:

  1. I would just add that Stepp going to the job in KC is about being able to give maximum assistance to the Kochs. By delaying,modifying or negating environmental requirements for the Kochs it will save them huge amounts of money and of course a certain percentage of that will be donated to political campaigns, think tanks and advocacy groups.
