Tuesday, September 12, 2017

50+ Foxconn items WI State Senate will ignore Tuesday

[Updated] The Wisconsin State Senate will vote Tuesday on the unprecedented Foxconn subsidy, legal and environmental giveaway package Gov. Walker 'negotiated' for his re-election, and which the Assembly has, in the main, already approved.

Here is one blog post with 56 Foxconn-related items (the latest update: Foxconn selects Racine County as its site) which the GOP-led Senate will underplay and ignore tomorrow when its majority falls into line.

The two Wisconsin legislative legislative houses will then work out differences in what they will have approved - - principally whether Foxconn gets unique, super-privileged and fast-tracked access to the state judiciary - -  before Walker signs the measure, and signs away 25 years of local taxpayer resources, state revenue and common water protections.


  1. The City of Kenosha pulled out of Foxconn. http://www.thewheelerreport.com/wheeler_docs/files/0912kenosha.pdf

  2. Just added this:
